Acceptable use

Deliverability is a team sport. Email Service Providers like mailram are only as good as our senders. In order to provide all our senders with the best deliverability and inbox placement, we enforce rules and guidelines to limit usage that would jeopardize the deliverability of all of our senders or simply break the law.

With that in mind, there are some types of sending that is simply not allowed and will not be tolerated. The following policy will clearly state which uses of mailram are not acceptable.

We reserve the right to terminate your account at any time for violation of the provisions of this section. Depending on the severity and your cooperation, we will try to work with you before any disruption.

Refunds will not be issues for breaches to our Acceptable Use Policy. Additionally, once emails have been sent, refunds will not be issued for partial quota usage.

Appropriate Sending Statistics

In addition to the content guidelines above, all email sending must meet these sending statistics:

  1. Your complaint rate must be lower than 0.08%.
  2. Your bounce rate must be lower than 4%.

If complaint or bounce rates go above these thresholds, your account may be shutdown without warning.

Prohibited Sending Purposes

  1. Spamming: You are prohibited from sending mass, non-personalized, unsolicited messages without prior consent.
  2. Phishing: You are prohibited from sending fraudulent emails posing as someone you aren’t that attempts to steal information or trick recipient into undesired action.
  3. Illegal Activities: You are prohibited from sending anything promoting or containing illegal activities.
  4. Low Quality: You are prohibited from sending messages that result in high bounce or complaint rates.
  5. Malicious Content: You are prohibited from sending messages that intentionally tries to attack, hack, or malign, including but not limited to distributing malware, viruses, or compromising code.
  6. Harassment: You are prohibited from sending messages our email service to harass, intimidate, or threaten any individual or group.
  7. Interference: You are prohibited from sending messages in a manner that could disable, overburden, damage, or impair mailram or any other service.

Prohibited Sending Content

  1. Emails offering to sell illegal goods or services
  2. Emails that violate CAN-SPAM, GDPR, or any local laws or regulations
  3. Pornography/sexually explicit content
  4. Escort services
  5. Pharmaceutical products
  6. Gambling services or products
  7. Multi-level marketing or pyramid schemes
  8. Get rich quick opportunities
  9. Credit repair and get out of debt opportunities
  10. Short-term / payday loan services
  11. List brokers or list rental services
  12. Selling “Likes” or followers for a social media platform
  13. Other emails that we find, in our sole discretion, hurt our reputation or our deliverability

Prohibited Account Usage

Users are expressly forbidden from creating or using an account or multiple accounts with the aim of circumventing any quotas or limits imposed by our service.